May the teachings of C.O.H.A. illuminate our path, liberating our minds and spirits from the clutches of the beast.

Liberating Minds from the Matrix: A Call to Diligence and Spiritual Vigilance

Dear Beloved Congregation,

As we gather in the sanctuary of the Church of Humanity Ascendant (C.O.H.A.), let us delve into the profound journey of liberation – a journey that calls for diligence, correct methods, and a steadfast commitment to reality, all while maintaining close ties with our spiritual home.

Liberation from the Babylonian Matrix:

In our existence, the Babylonian matrix, affectionately referred to as the "matrix," ensnares minds, distorts realities, and challenges the very essence of our humanity. However, as members of C.O.H.A., we carry the torch of liberation. Diligently working and basing our efforts on reality, we find success because we walk hand in hand with the teachings of our Church.

The Internet and Its Hold:

In this era of pervasive technology, the internet, once a tool of connectivity and knowledge, has evolved into a complex web that entangles the minds of our youth. The hold of the matrix in the digital realm has become more pronounced, leading our youth towards paths of moral ambiguity. C.O.H.A. calls upon us to recognize the perils and take action.

Protecting the Innocence of Youth:

Our children, the bearers of tomorrow, are susceptible to the influences of the digital world. The internet, originally intended for adults, has become a battleground where innocence is at stake. C.O.H.A. advocates for prudence, urging that children be shielded from the influential devices until they mature into adults capable of discernment.

A Call to Save Humanity from the Beast:

The matrix, intertwined with the digital realm, is a modern manifestation of the beast we strive to shield humanity from. C.O.H.A. undertakes the noble mission of guiding our congregation towards spiritual vigilance, offering a sanctuary where minds can be liberated from the digital entanglements that threaten our moral fabric.

Sermon: A Path to Liberation and Vigilance:

  1. Diligence in Work and Spirit:

    • Our work, both in the material world and the spiritual realm, demands diligence. By aligning our efforts with the teachings of C.O.H.A., we forge a path towards success, liberating ourselves from the complexities of the Babylonian matrix.
  2. Reality as Our Guide:

    • In navigating the challenges of the matrix, we must anchor ourselves in reality. The teachings of C.O.H.A. serve as a compass, guiding us towards a true understanding of the world and empowering us to break free from the illusory constructs of the digital age.
  3. Protecting the Purity of Youth:

    • The innocence of our youth is a treasure that must be guarded. C.O.H.A. implores parents and guardians to restrict the access of influential devices until our children are equipped with the wisdom and discernment necessary to navigate the complexities of the digital world.
  4. Spiritual Vigilance:

    • As we liberate ourselves from the matrix, let us remain vigilant in our spiritual journey. C.O.H.A. stands as a light, offering sanctuary and guidance to all who seek refuge from the influences that threaten our moral fabric.

Beloved congregation, the journey towards liberation is not without challenges, but with faith, diligence, and spiritual vigilance, we can overcome the hold of the matrix. Let our Church be a refuge, a guiding force that empowers us to break free from the digital entanglements and safeguard the purity of our youth.

May the teachings of C.O.H.A. illuminate our path, liberating our minds and spirits from the clutches of the beast.

